Kenya - Enhancing Change Project Management for Economic Sustainability in Higher Education Institutions in Kenya

About the training:

The goal of the training is to enhance quality in higher education by transforming the management roles of senior and middle-level universities in project management, financial and human resource management. The objectives of the training are to review and inform the participants on the current status of change project management, for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) economic sustainability in Kenya (including the trends, impacts and challenges) as well as to share experiences, and best practices in dealing with change project management, among HEIs in Kenya. Additionally, the training aims to equip participants with knowledge in designing change projects for economic sustainability within their institutions and to disseminate the findings of the workshop in order to bring awareness of emerging issues on change project management for economic sustainability among HEIs.

Expected learning outcomes:

By the end of the training course the participants are expected to be able to:

  • Describe the elements of effective change project management at their higher education institution.
  • Identify possible success factors and obstacles for effective change project management implementation in their higher education institution.
  • Design a project structure plan and a timeline with milestones for the implementation of a change project management system in their HEI.
  • Describe the legal framework (institutional, regulatory and reporting requirements) guiding change projects of HEIs in financial Management in Kenya.
  • Evaluate the implementation of the generally accepted and laid down financial policies and regulations in the preparation and maintenance of proper financial statements/books of account in their HEIs.
  • Explain the mechanisms for change management and Succession Planning and Management in their HEIs.
  • Discuss the importance and responsibility for diversity management, labour mobility and e-HRM at HEI.
  • Demonstrate cooperation among participants HEIs aimed at supporting researches in training/education and implementation best practices in human resource management, financial and project management.

Target group:

The target group is Registrars (Administration and Human Resource Management), Finance officers, Directors (eg. Income Generating Unit and resource mobilization), Estate managers, Heads of Departments/Unit (not academic departments).

Training dates:

  1. Workshop I: 3rd March - 6th March 2020

  2. Workshop II: 9th November - 13th November 2020 

Training committee

Julius Kiprop Maiyo

Mary Wahome

Judah Ndiku

Muganda Munir


Christian Ganseuer

Elizabeth Abenga

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